Alien Technology
Alien Technology the whole world definitely talked about the “ Alien Technology” signal that was sent to the small island, and the controversy persists up to the present days. However, as Durudrewicz notes, “it is always wise to remain skeptical of revolutionary claims until the mainstream scientists accept them”. For this reason, if there is no available scope of irrefutable scientific evidence, the explanation is likely that a very big truck with irregularities hit the road and caused the ground vibrations .
According to Johns Hopkins planetary seismologist Benjamin Fernando, they have all the characteristics we’d expect from a truck and none of the characteristics we’d expect from a meteor.”
On March 12, the latter would present their findings during the annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in Houston, Texas.
Fernando’s team admits that it is difficult to prove what something isn’t using the signal’s data, but it is pretty easy to highlight what it may share other existing, explainable seismic info.
“The signal changed directions over time, exactly matching a road that runs past the seismometer,” Fernando explains.
Developing for a more descriptive everyday understanding, the researchers also used data from facilities in Australia and Palau. Seismographs for the data were originally placed to measure the sound waves from the nuclear tests. After such records were taken into place, Fernando’s team changed the estimates of where exactly the incident took place and after reiterating on the researcher’s estimations, the location of the atmospheric phenomenon stands at being 100 miles away from the original estimated site.
“The fireball location was actually very far away from where the oceanographic expedition went to retrieve these meteor fragments. Not only did they use the wrong signal, they were looking in the wrong place”.
The team was not half-hearted in their latest paper, Probably Not Alien Technology: Seismic Data Analysis from the 2014 ‘Interstellar Meteor’ . In regard to the notion of Alien Technology, the researchers “consider it to be at best highly overstated and at worst entirely erroneous” . In reference to material found last year, “poor localisation implies that any material recovered is far less likely to be from the meteor, let alone of interstellar or even extraterrestrial origin” .
According to Fernando’s team, since NASA estimates that “around 50 tons of meteoritic material” strike the Earth on a daily basis, then mayhap some of the resulting fragments gathered from the ocean bed are from another meteorite after all. Regardless, they “strongly suspect that it wasn’t Alien Technology” .
Disappointing? Maybe, but there’s a good chance that there will be even more UFO sightings in the future, especially if people want the government to explain any inexplicable events they witness. If you are interested in detailed analysis, you can also watch the livestream of the evaluation of next week’s UFO sightings here .
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